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Sources Summaries
Bacon, John ."Aggressive Beggars Now a No-No in New York City," USA Today, September 27, 1996.
In 19 major cities, the homeless outnumber the number of shelter beds.
Bernstein, Nina. "Labeling the Homeless, in Compassion and Contempt,"  The New York Times, December 5, 1999.
A man smashed a young woman in the head with a brick in Midtown. Was this person homeless or mentally ill? This article discusses the responses to this incident.
Diaz, Lisa L. "Eight Year Old Boy Wants Homeless Day of Recognition,"  Seattle Times ,February 21, 2000.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at least 2.3 million people, or nearly 1 percent of the population, will experience homelessness in their lives at least once.
Hsiar, Andrew. "The Disappeared," Village Voice, December 8, 1998
There are over 40,000 homeless people in New York City. More than 23,000 New Yorkers sleep in homeless shelters each night.
National Law Center of Homelessness and Poverty, 1999.
There are approximately 500,000 to 600,000 homeless people (Burt and Cohen, 1989) in the United States. This number is updated to allow a 5% increase a year resulting in an estimate of over 700,000 and up to two million people who experience homelessness during one year.
National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness.
"A number of outreach programs have helped many homeless with serious mental illnesses. However, the cost to run these programs is high and more case management is needed. Most homeless people with mental illness receive minimal treatment and services and go in and out of hospitals, jails, shelters and life on the streets.".
Ratnesar, Romesh. "Nation, Not Gone, but Forgotten? Why Americans have stopped talking about homelessness," Time Inc., February 8, 1999.



The Clinton Administration spent $5 million on the homeless between 1987-1993, most of it going to the "continuum of care" programs that provide temporary housing, counseling, and job training. This approach has been successful for some but advocates still believe that affordable housing has to increase in order for homelessness to end.
The U. S. Conference of Mayors Report (December, 1998).
Despite the difficulty determining the incidence of homelessness,  children account for 25% of the homeless population; families with children account for 38% of the homeless population; single adult men account for 45%. Out of this group, 22% are veterans.

Crackdowns     Shelters      Mental Illness     Poverty

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