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Williams, Mark. "Child poverty rate soars in Ohio," The Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 12, 2000.

The child poverty rate increased 50 percent in Ohio in the past 20 years (the national rate is 15%). A recent report showed more than 13 million American children live in poverty, 3 million more than in 1979 (National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University)
There also has been an increase in the number of low-wage jobs that do not pay enough to keep people out of poverty. Welfare caseloads fell 47 percent nationwide from 1993 to 1998 and 68 percent in Ohio from 1993 to July 2000.
There is a link between low socio-economic status and hostility which can lead to a greater risk of poor health.
"Children alone,"  Cable News Network, February, 2000). Correspondent Margaret Lowrie and Reuters contributed to this report.
A report from the United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF) stating that more than 100 million children have to grow up alone because of poverty, war, and the loss of their parents from AIDS.
Stone, Deborah. "The Homeless," The New Republic, Volume 210, June 27, 1994.
From 1970 to 1997, the income of the top 5% increased while the income of the lowest 20% decreased.
U.S. Census, 1998



Poverty is increasing because of decreasing job opportunities and the declining value and availability of public assistance. In 1997, 36.9 million people (13.3%) in the United States lived in poverty and almost half of those lived in extreme poverty. The economic reality of America is that the very rich are getting richer and the very poor, poorer.

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